domingo, 18 de enero de 2009


A map of Guayaquil

A map of the Isla Trinitaria

Food parcel for a poor family.

Elizabeth Ruiz Plaza Afro style hairdo.

The Plaza Vergara Family 2002

Gabriela in catechism class

Jazmin and Carla Denisse

Alexandra Alman leading the Afro band 2007

Susy Castillo the president of the Afroecuadorean Group

Elizabeth Ruiz Plaza as a nanny!

Some friends of St Rose of Lima

Licenciada Dora Plaza Vergara in the clinic.

Afroecuadorean dance group

Another Afroecuadorean dance group-

The Afroecuadorean liturgy.

Afroecuadorean liturgy

la señora Concepcion Uza

Afroecuadorean group

Sunday liturgy with the Afroecuadorean family

More Afro ecuadorean dancing.

Father Jac Hetsen MHM

Mrs Maria and her twins.

An Afroecuadorean family visiting the presbytery

Friends of St Rose of Lima
First Communions

Afro friends

Thanks for the smile Diana

The twins again.
Father Maurice McGills visit to the Isla Trinitaria

The children in the Catechism class.

Waiting to see the doctor.

Our Afro group visits the Cathedral Guayaquil.

Afro meeting with Tassenia

Jazmin and Carla Denisse
The Godoy family.Isla Trinitaria
Elizabeth and her cousins.

Father Jac Hetsen MHM visiting the Kinder children.

Alexandra,Digna and Elizabeth Timbere,Esmeraldas

Afroecuadorean Liturgy

An Afro reunion

First Communion

Our patient Ruben
An Afroecuadorean family at an anniversary Mass.